July 23, 2021

i do

A bigger love than I thought I was capable of. You surprise yourself, with what you are willing to do for that someone. How little what everyone else thinks matters. How all the right people see exactly why it's right. 

And even the most perfect person for the position won't make it easy, because it's not supposed to be easy, it's supposed to be real, to be a balance, to be an everyday choice. And I do, I do choose you, through rain and sushine. 

July 14, 2021

the million drafts

 I abandoned this place, I just stopped looking back at everything I ever felt and decided to write down, as if that would leave me with a clean slate. It didn't. Everything I ever experienced made me who I am today, and I never leave myself. So, I'm back at it and I have a million drafts from the years before and a million words tangled in my head.